
Naja, das Müllforum halt ^^


Beitragvon Rodrigo Castellani » Mo 31. Okt 2005, 11:18

Juhu, den Black Belt in a Box gibts jetzt auch bei Woolworth! Jetzt brauch ich euch nicht mehr :P
Rodrigo Castellani
Die Gabel
Beiträge: 576
Registriert: Mo 9. Aug 2004, 23:07

Beitragvon Neonsamurai » Mo 31. Okt 2005, 13:15

Ähhhh .... huch ?
Cluelessness: There are no sutpid questions. But there are a LOT of inquisitive idiots.
+++ 101010 +++
Beiträge: 1083
Registriert: Do 23. Okt 2003, 21:55

Beitragvon Rodrigo Castellani » Mo 31. Okt 2005, 14:07

Rodrigo Castellani
Die Gabel
Beiträge: 576
Registriert: Mo 9. Aug 2004, 23:07

Beitragvon Miro » Mo 31. Okt 2005, 14:55

After his violent beati… talking-to by the bad guys, Tommy’s comic book comes alive and “Sensei Nobu”, the hero of said comic shows up to teach him Karate. Sensei Nobu is an unintentional metaphor for the ignorance of Eastern culture in the English speaking world. He’s ambiguously asian, dressed in a feudal Japanese outfit but sporting a Pai Mei/White Eybrow hairstyle complete with fu-manchu (as in Manchuria, CHINA) moustache and a long wispy beard.

The culturally confused Sensei Nobu informs Tommy that “Karate is not for attacking, it is used only for self-defense!”. This is brought up again later in the video when it’s said “There is no first attack in Karate.” This statement is 100% true because Andy Hug, K-1 Champion and Kyokushin Karate stylist had to fly all the way over to Thailand just to learn how to throw the first punch in a fight. It’s reported that this difficult transition took over six months of rigorous training. Normally, Karate sparring sessions go to the time limit with both participants just circling each other, except in those rare instances when one of the competitors trips and falls towards the other one. Since this can be considered an attack, his opponent responds promptly by kicking the falling man in the head before he hits the canvas for the win.


Aus dem Larpwörterbuch:
Bestätigung: Meist formloser Wisch ausgestellt duch Freunde/Verwandte/Bettgefährten (unzutreffendes streichen), welcher bestätigt das der Charakter A: Unverschämt viele Charakterpunkte, B: Unverschämt mächtige Artefakte, C: Unverschämt viele Zauber oder Sonderfähigkeiten besitzt. Ihre Richtigkeit ist stets über jeden Zweifel erhaben.
El General
Beiträge: 4349
Registriert: Di 28. Okt 2003, 23:09

Beitragvon Neonsamurai » Mo 31. Okt 2005, 23:11

After watching this video, I strongly considered committing eyeball seppuku.

Cluelessness: There are no sutpid questions. But there are a LOT of inquisitive idiots.
+++ 101010 +++
Beiträge: 1083
Registriert: Do 23. Okt 2003, 21:55

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