Was ist deine Lieblingswaffe ?

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Was ist deine Lieblingswaffe ?

Beitragvon Neonsamurai » Mo 13. Feb 2006, 12:50

Finde es heraus :)

Ich bevorzuge :


You preferred a weapon with 30% power over speed and 85% range over melee.

You use a Machinegun. Phenomenal range and rate of fire more than make up for the lack of mobility that a full machinegun warrant. Though a machinegun lacks the punch of heavier artillery, it is still an exceedingly potent infantry weapon and can fire continuously for a long time. Your enemies will run for cover as you pepper the landscape with bullets.
Cluelessness: There are no sutpid questions. But there are a LOT of inquisitive idiots.
+++ 101010 +++
Beiträge: 1083
Registriert: Do 23. Okt 2003, 21:55
Wohnort: www.berlin.de

Beitragvon Daimon » Mo 13. Feb 2006, 16:01

Air Strike

You preferred a weapon with 72% power over speed and 81% range over melee.

You use Air Strikes.

Fighting? Fighting is for idiots! All you have to do is make a quick walkie-talkie call and have the ground ahead of you carpeted with explosive charges. Your enemies will be searching frantically for refuge as you chuckle from afar.


Nathanael von Wolfswacht

Man sagt, er habe magische Kräfte.
Cheating Bastard
Beiträge: 2575
Registriert: Do 23. Okt 2003, 22:09
Wohnort: Düsseldorf

Beitragvon Lutscha » Mo 13. Feb 2006, 16:32

Desert Eagle
You preferred a weapon with 30% power over speed and 74% range over melee.
You use a Desert Eagle.
One of the most powerful handguns in production, the Desert Eagle is a heavy punch in a small package. Its reliability and speed are remarkable for a gun with such high caliber. Your enemies won't stand a chance as you fell them bullet by bullet.
For once, his father did what Tyrion asked him. The proof was the sudden stench, as his bowels loosend in the moment of death. Well, he was in the right place for it, Tyrion thought. But the stink that filled the privy gave ample evidence, that the oft-repeated jape about his father was just another lie.
Lord Tywin Lannister did not, in the end, shit gold.
Beiträge: 1183
Registriert: Fr 22. Okt 2004, 15:30
Wohnort: Berlin

Beitragvon Neonsamurai » Mo 13. Feb 2006, 16:40

Mein zweiter Versuch:


Orbital Laser

You preferred a weapon with 76% power over speed and 85% range over melee.
You use an Orbital Laser.

Getting into an actual battle is a sign that you've failed. No, you need to be in your villa in South America, sipping a cup of coffee as you press the button that will annihilate the enemy stronghold. Your enemies will never know who sent the death from above, but none will wonder-- they'll all be dead.

Cluelessness: There are no sutpid questions. But there are a LOT of inquisitive idiots.
+++ 101010 +++
Beiträge: 1083
Registriert: Do 23. Okt 2003, 21:55
Wohnort: www.berlin.de

Beitragvon Thore Castellani » Mo 13. Feb 2006, 18:27

Dual Pistols
You preferred a weapon with 18% power over speed and 52% range over melee.
You use Dual Pistols.
Best done with relatively light pistols like Berettas, a pair of pistols is the quintessential Street Samurai's arsenal. Stylish and fast, a pair of pistols is inaccurate but fearsome. You excel at providing cover fire and look cool while doing it. Your opponents will dive for cover when you reach to your sides.
Patron Thore Castellani († La Noche del Toro)
Thore Castellani
Schmieriger Mafiosi
Beiträge: 925
Registriert: Fr 23. Jan 2004, 17:08
Wohnort: berlin

Beitragvon Miro » Mo 13. Feb 2006, 19:24


You preferred a weapon with 54% power over speed and 65% range over melee.

You use a Shotgun. While not the fastest gun in the west, a shotgun's raw power and ease of use make it an extremely potent weapon. Some shotguns can also be loaded with many different types of ammunition, providing a versatility many guns don't have. Choosing your shots, you fell your opponents immediately and without pause.

Aus dem Larpwörterbuch:
Bestätigung: Meist formloser Wisch ausgestellt duch Freunde/Verwandte/Bettgefährten (unzutreffendes streichen), welcher bestätigt das der Charakter A: Unverschämt viele Charakterpunkte, B: Unverschämt mächtige Artefakte, C: Unverschämt viele Zauber oder Sonderfähigkeiten besitzt. Ihre Richtigkeit ist stets über jeden Zweifel erhaben.
El General
Beiträge: 4349
Registriert: Di 28. Okt 2003, 23:09
Wohnort: Berlin.de

Beitragvon Manja » Mo 13. Feb 2006, 20:42

You preferred a weapon with 18% power over speed and 29% range over melee.
You use a Staff. Length is up to you-- perhaps you use a quarterstaff, a Jo, or a pair of Escrima, but you favor the intense speed and impressive versatility of a simple wooden stick. Effective staff fighters are effective at fighting many opponents at once, even ones armed with swords. Your opponents will rue the day they underestimated the potency of your weapon.

...und das nur, weil ich schöne action-sequenzen wollte.
aka Dara´el Shiatan, aka Carlotta Castellani

Give me chocolate and no one gets hurt!!!
Ist immer Schuld
Beiträge: 250
Registriert: So 16. Nov 2003, 17:02

Beitragvon Veldan » Do 16. Feb 2006, 12:44

Desert Eagle
You preferred a weapon with 36% power over speed and 52% range over melee.
One of the most powerful handguns in production, the Desert Eagle is a heavy punch in a small package. Its reliability and speed are remarkable for a gun with such high caliber. Your enemies won't stand a chance as you fell them bullet by bullet.

Hehehe...Fett! :D

aka Ramírez "der Pornopirat" Castellani

Miro hat geschrieben:...was angesichts seines (Ramírez) allgemein anerkannten Statuses als Pornopirat auf Cons aber bezweifelt werden dürfte. ;)
Beiträge: 861
Registriert: Mi 29. Okt 2003, 14:41
Wohnort: Berlin

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