Wer es noch einmal den Briten zeigen will...

Naja, das Müllforum halt ^^

Wer es noch einmal den Briten zeigen will...

Beitragvon Lutscha » Mo 21. Mai 2007, 15:53

For once, his father did what Tyrion asked him. The proof was the sudden stench, as his bowels loosend in the moment of death. Well, he was in the right place for it, Tyrion thought. But the stink that filled the privy gave ample evidence, that the oft-repeated jape about his father was just another lie.
Lord Tywin Lannister did not, in the end, shit gold.
Beiträge: 1183
Registriert: Fr 22. Okt 2004, 15:30
Wohnort: Berlin

Beitragvon Sari » Di 22. Mai 2007, 09:18


Was die leute so alles verkaufen...
Capo der Familie Castellani
Jakyll & Hyde
Beiträge: 4279
Registriert: So 15. Jan 2006, 04:04

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