D&D Optimization ... The ten Commandments

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D&D Optimization ... The ten Commandments

Beitragvon Neonsamurai » Mo 24. Okt 2005, 20:15

The Ten Commandments of Optimization

I. Thou shalt not give up caster levels.

II. Wieldest thou thy two-handed weapon with alacrity; but two weapons shalt thou not wield, excepting that thou hast a source of bonus damage such as Sneak Attack.

III. Doubt not the power of the Druid, for he is mighty.

IV. Avoid ye the temptation of Gauntlets of True Strike, for they shall lead thee astray down the Path of Non-Rule Cheese.

V. Thou shalt not give up caster levels. Verily, this Commandment is like unto the first; but of such magnitude that it bore mentioning twice.

VI. Makest thou no build with an odd number of fighter levels, for such things are not pleasing to the Spirits of Optimization.

VII. The Rules of 3.5 are paramount; invoke not the rules of 3.0 if a newer version be available.

VIII. When beseeching the Bretheren of Optimization, come thou not empty handed, lest they smite thee; rather, bringest thou thine own build, that they may offer suggestions and guidance.

IX. Invoke not "common sense," for it is not common.

X. Thou shalt call no build "The Ultimate X" unless his name be Pun-Pun, or thou shalt see thine "Ultimate" build topped by the Bretheren within five minutes of posting.

Yea, verily.
Cluelessness: There are no sutpid questions. But there are a LOT of inquisitive idiots.
+++ 101010 +++
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Registriert: Do 23. Okt 2003, 21:55
Wohnort: www.berlin.de

Beitragvon Daimon » Mo 24. Okt 2005, 20:29

common sense ain't that common :)
Nathanael von Wolfswacht

Man sagt, er habe magische Kräfte.
Cheating Bastard
Beiträge: 2575
Registriert: Do 23. Okt 2003, 22:09
Wohnort: Düsseldorf

Beitragvon Lutscha » Di 25. Okt 2005, 06:54

11. Thou shalt not misread the rules before thou make thy builds.
For once, his father did what Tyrion asked him. The proof was the sudden stench, as his bowels loosend in the moment of death. Well, he was in the right place for it, Tyrion thought. But the stink that filled the privy gave ample evidence, that the oft-repeated jape about his father was just another lie.
Lord Tywin Lannister did not, in the end, shit gold.
Beiträge: 1183
Registriert: Fr 22. Okt 2004, 15:30
Wohnort: Berlin

Beitragvon Veldan » Di 25. Okt 2005, 14:40

12. No one can, what pun-pun can, for it is he who guards all cheese.
aka Ramírez "der Pornopirat" Castellani

Miro hat geschrieben:...was angesichts seines (Ramírez) allgemein anerkannten Statuses als Pornopirat auf Cons aber bezweifelt werden dürfte. ;)
Beiträge: 861
Registriert: Mi 29. Okt 2003, 14:41
Wohnort: Berlin

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